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UKeiG Publications
The 2011 Guide to Free or Nearly-Free e-Books is offered as a tool – an annotated listing of around 230 single titles, collections, archives, gateways and search engines – for librarians and others involved in book selection (e.g. teachers in schools) in all sectors – school, further and higher education, public and special libraries. It is designed to facilitate easy access to the free e-books and e-book collections which can enhance any digital library.
We know from our many workshops that one of the problems which face all librarians adding e-books to their collections is that of locating new titles: there is no legal deposit for e-books and consequently there is no single place from which new titles can be found. If this is true of commercially published e-books, it is most certainly also true of free e-books… and there are many thousands of free e-books available over the Internet. As can be seen from this Guide, many of these e-books will make valuable additions to a library collection.
The 2011 Guide to Free or Nearly-Free e-Books
Chris Armstrong, 2011. Paperback 177 pages. £29.50
ISBN: 978-1-870254-14-4
Can be ordered through regular suppliers or by clicking on the button below:
In the past UKeiG has published a series of guides and handbooks. Titles included the Quick Guide to Online Commands, which ran to several editions, the Quick Guide to CD-ROM Networking and the CD-ROM Practical Guide for Information Professionals. Now, UKeiG has decided to resume its series of titles designed to assist information professionals in managing e-resources, and our first title is now available.
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