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LIS-UKEIG Discussion List

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LIS-UKEIG is UKeIG's electronic discussion list, which provides members with a forum to exchange information on developments in electronic information resources, whether they are online, CD-ROM or on the Internet.
To join lis-ukeig, send the following message:
join lis-ukeig FirstName LastName
(substituting your firstname and lastname) to
Alternatively, follow the link Join or Leave the list (or Change settings) on the lis-ukeig home page at and fill in the form. This page also has links to the list archives.
All messages sent to the list are saved in an archive, and you can browse through them by date, author or subject. You can also search the archive for a particular message.
An e-mail message with a confirmation code will be sent to the address you specify in the form. Wait for this message to arrive, then follow the instructions to confirm your subscription. You will then receive a welcome message and further instructions about the discussion list – please keep these!
A guide to using JISCmail can found at:
To unsubscribe from lis-ukeig when on holiday/out of office
When you return you can catch up on messages by going to and following the link to "Search Archives".
To suspend list membership using email
Send the following message to
set lis-ukeig nomail
(No need to put anything in the Subject: line and don't append an automatic signature)
If you are a member of several lists the message should read
set * nomail
On your return send the following message
set lis-ukeig mail
set * mail
To suspend list membership using the Web form
You can use the Web form at and follow the link to 'Subscriber's Corner', where you will see the lists you subscribe to. Click on lis-ukeig, scroll down to Miscellaneous and check the box "Mail delivery disabled temporarily"; then click on 'Update Options' to activate. [Repeat this action for each list you belong to and wish to suspend].
No login is needed to use site. Registration is free and enables you to hear about forthcoming meetings and events.