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Do you want to be a part of the UKeiG Committee?

Are you passionate about information? Are you committed to professional standards? Are you interested in gaining experience of committee work or learning more about your professional association? Do you like luxury chocolate biscuits? If so UKeiG would welcome your help on its Committee. We are a group of volunteers supported by two great Administrators, Val who manages our training events (and much more) and Chris who is our Web Editor and UKeiG "corporate memory".
We are a well established, well respected special interest group of CILIP, with nearly 2000 members and offering leadership and practical support to information professionals working with electronic information. We are currently at an exciting stage of refreshing our strategy and vision. We are looking to co-opt two new members and a Vice-Chair to help us move ahead more quickly. We currently meet about 4 times a year in London but we are keen to develop ways of working which do not require face to face meetings. If you would be interested in joining us please contaact me, Nicky Whitsed, Acting Chair, in the first instance ( If you would like to attend a committee meeting please contact Val Skelton ( We look forward to hearing from you.
No login is needed to use this site, but registration is free and enables you to hear about forthcoming meetings and events.